Thu 24-October-2024

“Omen of Anger” rallies sweep Gaza in support for hunger strikers

Tuesday 2-May-2017

Thousands of Palestinians took to Salah al-Din Street east of the blockaded Gaza Strip calling on the Israeli occupation authorities (IOA) to acknowledge prisoners’ rights and on Mahmoud Abbas to step down.

The protesters lined up in a long chain in Salah al-Din Street calling on the IOA to give back the usurped rights of Palestinian detainees and lift the tough siege on Gaza.

Reporting from the scene a PIC news correspondent said the marchers lifted banners condemning the Israeli siege and chanted slogans calling for overthrowing the Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas.

On Monday the National Movement to Break the Siege on Gaza called during a press conference for a mass participation in Tuesday rallies staged in support for the Palestinian hunger strikers in Israeli lock-ups.

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