Fri 20-September-2024

Over 200 settlers defile Aqsa Mosque

Monday 3-October-2022

Dozens of extremist Jewish settlers desecrated the Aqsa Mosque in Occupied Jerusalem under tight police protection on Monday morning and later in the afternoon.

At least 214 settlers including students of religious institutes entered the Mosque in different groups through its Maghariba Gate and toured its courtyards under police guard according to al-Qastal News website.

During their tours at the Islamic holy site the settlers received lectures from rabbis about the alleged temple mount and a number of them provocatively performed Talmudic prayers.

One of the settlers was photographed carrying an Israeli flag in front of the main stairway that leads to the Dome of the Rock prayer building at the Aqsa Mosque.

Meanwhile the Israeli occupation police imposed movement restrictions on Muslim worshipers at the Aqsa Mosque’s entrances and gates.

The Aqsa Mosque is exposed to daily desecration by Jewish settlers and police forces in the morning and the afternoon except on Fridays and Saturdays.

The Israeli police close al-Maghariba Gate which is used by Jews to enter the Mosque at 10:30 am after the settlers complete their morning tours at the holy site. Later in the afternoon the same gate is reopened for evening tours by settlers.

During the presence of settlers inside the Mosque compound entry restrictions are imposed on Muslim worshipers at the entrances leading to the Mosque and their IDs could be seized until they leave the holy place.

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Over 200 settlers defile Aqsa Mosque

Sunday 21-August-2022

Dozens of Jewish settlers desecrated the Aqsa Mosque in Occupied Jerusalem on Sunday morning and later in the afternoon.

At least 205 settlers entered the Mosque in different groups through its Maghariba Gate and toured its courtyards under tight police guard according to al-Qastal news website.

During their tours at the Islamic holy site the settlers received lectures from rabbis about the alleged temple mount and a number of them provocatively performed Talmudic prayers.

Meanwhile the Israeli occupation police imposed movement restrictions on Muslim worshipers at the Aqsa Mosque’s entrances and gates.

The Aqsa Mosque is exposed to daily desecration by Jewish settlers and police forces in the morning and the afternoon except on Fridays and Saturdays.

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Over 200 settlers defile Aqsa Mosque

Tuesday 31-May-2022

Scores of extremist Jewish settlers desecrated the Aqsa Mosque in Occupied Jerusalem under tight police protection on Tuesday morning and later in the afternoon.

At least 203 settlers including right-wing rabbi Yehuda Glick entered the Mosque in different groups through its Maghariba Gate and toured its courtyards under police guard according to al-Qastal News website.

During their tours at the Islamic holy site the settlers received lectures from rabbis about the alleged temple mount and a number of them provocatively performed Talmudic prayers.

Meanwhile the Israeli occupation police imposed movement restrictions on Muslim worshipers at the Aqsa Mosque’s entrances and gates.

The Aqsa Mosque is exposed to daily desecration by Jewish settlers and police forces in the morning and the afternoon except on Fridays and Saturdays.

The Israeli police close al-Maghariba Gate which is used by Jews to enter the Mosque at 10:30 am after the settlers complete their morning tours at the holy site. Later in the afternoon the same gate is reopened for evening tours by settlers.

During the presence of settlers inside the Mosque compound entry restrictions are imposed on Muslim worshipers at the entrances leading to the Mosque and their IDs could be seized until they leave the holy place.

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Over 200 settlers defile Aqsa Mosque

Tuesday 24-August-2021

At least 207 Jewish settlers escorted by police forces desecrated the Aqsa Mosque in Occupied Jerusalem on Tuesday morning and later in the afternoon.

According to local sources 142 settlers entered the Mosque in different groups and toured its courtyards in the morning.

In the afternoon 65 settlers were escorted by police officers into the Islamic holy site.

During their tours at the Islamic holy site the settlers received lectures from rabbis about the alleged temple mount and a number of them performed Talmudic rituals or prayers.

The Aqsa Mosque is exposed to daily desecration by Jewish settlers and police forces in the morning and the afternoon except on Fridays and Saturdays.

The Israeli police close al-Maghariba Gate which is used by Jews to enter the Mosque at 10:30 am after the settlers complete their morning tours at the holy site. Later in the afternoon the same gate is reopened for evening tours by settlers.

During the presence of settlers inside the Mosque compound entry restrictions are imposed on Muslim worshipers at the entrances leading to the Mosque and their IDs are seized until they leave the holy place.

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