Fri 28-June-2024

Over 250 academics and activists announce boycott of Israel

Saturday 22-October-2022

More than 250 academics and pro-Palestine activists have signed a statement calling for boycotting Israel academically in response to its growing violations against the Palestinian people.

The statement which was released recently by the International Academic Campaign Against the Israeli Occupation and Apartheid called for not visiting Israel or using its airports and not participating in any kind of academic cultural and media exchange with academics and researchers working in the Israeli occupation state.

The statement urged all the world’s university students to consider Israel a “rogue occupation state that violates international law and imposes apartheid on the occupied Palestinian territories.”

Secretary-general of the campaign Ramzi Odeh said that all the members of the campaign are committed to activating the academic boycott of Israel and avoiding the use of its airports adding that the signatories to the statement represent 28 countries.

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