Fri 20-September-2024

Overnight clashes reported in Jerusalem West Bank

Thursday 17-March-2022

Violent clashes broke out in Silwan town in Occupied Jerusalem after being stormed by the Israeli police forces late on Thursday evening.

Local sources said that a pole mounted with surveillance cameras used by the Israeli police to monitor local citizens in the Bir Ayoub neighborhood was burned during the clashes.

The Israeli occupation authorities used to install surveillance cameras throughout Jerusalem streets with the aim of restricting and monitoring Palestinians’ movement and daily life.

Similar clashes were reported at Qalandia checkpoint to the north of Occupied Jerusalem.

During the confrontations local youths set rubber tires on fire.

Meanwhile an Israeli military vehicle came under fire after breaking into al-Khalil in the West Bank. Local sources said that the military vehicle was targeted by heavy fire while passing near a Jewish settlement illegally built south of the city.

Palestinian youths also threw stones at Israeli forces and settlers’ vehicles while passing near Al-Aroub refugee camp north of al-Khalil.

A similar stone-throwing incident was reported near the Ma’ale Levona settlement illegally built south of Nablus.

Israeli and Palestinian estimates indicate that there are about 650000 settlers in West Bank settlements including Occupied Jerusalem who live in 164 settlements and 116 outposts.

Under international law all Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories are considered illegal.

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