Tue 2-July-2024

Owners of destroyed facilities in Gaza fed up with donors’ promises

Monday 13-March-2017

The owners of the economic facilities that were destroyed in the 2014 war against the Gaza Strip expressed their anger and protest on Monday at the donor countries’ procrastination in providing the dues that were endorsed in the Gaza Reconstruction Conference held in Cairo in October 2014.

Hamza al-Masri the spokesman of the gathering of the owners of destroyed facilities said in a sit-in staged in front of the United Nations office in Gaza that 30 months have passed after they were promised to be compensated but nothing has been fulfilled.

Masri complained “We came to say enough with false promises. We are no longer able to withstand further losses.”

He pointed out that more than 6000 economic facilities were destroyed during the war leaving nearly 40000 workers jobless.

He affirmed that the owners of the destroyed facilities are experiencing hardships as a result of the pressure imposed on them by banks and courts because of the mounting debts.

The owners of the destroyed economic facilities asked the president of the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas to immediately intervene to solve this problem and provide the dues promised.

They called on the Palestinian Minister of Economy Abeer Ouda to earnestly address their problem and start effective and real steps on the ground to compensate them. They appealed to the Arab League the Gulf Cooperation Council and the Arab donors to give a helping hand and contribute to the reconstruction of their economic facilities.

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