Fri 20-September-2024

PA-Israel Security coordination weakens the victory of Jerusalem

Thursday 28-February-2019

Kamal Al-Khatib deputy head of the Islamic Movement in the occupied Palestinian homeland (today’s Israel) said that the security coordination carried out by the Palestinian Authority with the Israeli occupation weakens the West Bank’s support for occupied Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque.

In an exclusive interview with the Palestinian Information Center Al-Khatib said that “the Palestinian Authority is absent and we do not ask them more than stopping their security coordination with Israel.”

He added: “Security coordination prevents the West Bank cities from supporting Al-Aqsa Mosque which is a heavy obstacle that prevents the uprising of Nablus Hebron Ramallah Jenin Tulkarm and other cities in support of Al-Aqsa Mosque.”

Khatib said: “If the security coordination does not exist the occupied Palestinian cities and their masses will be like a volcano of anger in the face of the occupation which will push it to retreat from steps taken against Al-Aqsa Mosque.”

He stressed that “security coordination and its men serve the occupation more than their service to the Palestinian people.”

Khatib stressed that the Israeli occupation is illegal at Al-Aqsa Mosque “and we will not abandon Al-Aqsa or its walls and facilities with all its 144000 square meters.”

He pointed out that “the occupation did not dare to commit foolishness except after seeing Arab leaders accept its deeds stressing that the Arab and Muslim nations will not give up Al-Aqsa Mosque and occupied Jerusalem.”

“The Jerusalemites are the honor of the nation who ease the pain of Al-Aqsa and help it with their bond and face Israelis with their spirits and bare chests” Khatib said in the interview.

He added: “The Arab and Palestinian conditions entail a painful paradox. At a time Al-Aqsa Mosque is facing serious violations and brutal attacks on the worshipers Arab countries are racing to sit with the criminal leaders of the occupation and normalize with its brutal state.”

Khatib stressed that these violations are increasing in light of the adoption of the PA’s policy of security coordination with the occupation and with the promise of Mahmoud Abbas President of the Palestinian Authority that this approach will not be abandoned.

He asked: “When will the anger of Abu Mazen (Abbas) as the representative of the PA become in support of the blessed Al-Aqsa?” He pointed out that the occupation feels reassured during committing its violations against Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa especially since it does not hear condemnation from Arab leaders.

He continued: “Benjamin Netanyahu who is 45 days away from the general elections exploits violations against Al-Aqsa Mosque to raise his electoral chances as the Israeli street supports those who violate Al-Aqsa and its sanctity.”

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