Sat 21-September-2024

PA government condemns attack on TV satellite channel in Gaza

Tuesday 23-January-2007

GAZA (PIC) — The PA government has categorically condemned Monday the armed attack against the office of the Dubai-based Al-Arabeyya satellite TV channel in Gaza city describing it as “criminal act against values and ethics of the Palestinian people”.

“This is a plain criminal act that is absolutely rejected by the Palestinian people” said spokesman of the PA government Dr. Ghazi Hamad in a press statement he made in the wake of the bombing incident late Monday night and a copy of which was faxed to the PIC.

He stressed that resorting to force and violence in resolving internal disputes is something vehemently rejected by the entire Palestinian people explaining “in spite of the latest dispute that arose between the PA government on the one hand and the Arab channel on the other hand the PA government insisted that it will deal with the matter legally and in peaceful ways” adding that the PA government offered full protection to the channel’s office and employees against any possible threat.

During one of its programs aired last week the channel hastily attributed wrong statements uttered by Palestinian MP Azzam Al-Ahmad of Fatah in an interview on the Lebanon-based Manar satellite TV channel to PA premier Ismael Haneyya.

The defamatory remarks against Haneyya irked the PA government that threatened to file a lawsuit against the channel if an apology wasn’t immediately made.

Furthermore Hamad confirmed his government concern to uncover and arrest the culprits adding that the PA interior ministry will investigate the incident and hold those found responsible for bombing accountable before Palestinian justice.

Unknown armed men attacked and bombed the channel’s office in Gaza city late Monday night inflicting severe damage to the property but no casualties were reported.

The incident mars the positive atmosphere that prevailed in the Palestinian arena after the successful meeting between PA chief Mahmoud Abbas and head of Hamas’ political office Khaled Mishaal Sunday night in the Syrian capital Damascus where both leaders highlighted the need of continuous national dialogue in resolving Palestinian internal disputes and stressed on the sanctity of the Palestinian blood.

Palestinian MP Qais Abdul Kareem Abu Laila for his part accused what he labeled as “groups in the Palestinian arena unpleased with the Palestinian democracy” of being behind the bombing incident.

“Perpetrators of the bombing incident against the Arabeyya TV channel in Gaza are known and are the same groups that nourish security mess in the PA-run lands with the aim to topple the Palestinian democracy” the PA lawmaker asserted urging the Palestinian people to consolidate their ranks and to put limits to those “vandal” armed groups.

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