Fri 20-September-2024

PA in Ramallah misleads world on Gaza fuel

Wednesday 21-May-2008

GAZA (PIC)– The petroleum bureau in the Gaza Strip accused on Tuesday officials in the Ramallah-based PA of lying and misleading the world on the fuel crises in the Gaza Strip which was created by the unjust Israeli economic siege imposed on the Strip.

Giving details on the volume of fuel shortage in the populated Strip of 1.5 million inhabitants the bureau warned that the shortage was badly affecting all aspects of life of Palestinian populace there.

“The amount of fuel that had entered into Gaza Strip from April 10 up to May 19 2008 was 45000 liters of petrol which is only 0.009% of what is needed 600000 liters of diesel which constitutes only 0.03% of the needed amount for the same period and 1640 tons of coking gas which is 0.13 % of the actual need of the Strip and 5400000 liters of industrial diesel needed to operate the only generation plant in Gaza Strip which covers only 0.27 % of the plant’s real need” said Ahmad Ali the chairman of the bureau in a press conference Tuesday.

Raising the alarm on the deteriorating situation in Gaza Strip Ali explained that these figures show how desperate the situation is and should serve as a wake up call for the international community.

 “These worrying figures do reflect the huge and real deficit in fuel in the Gaza Strip which in turn deepens and multiplies the crises in the tiny Strip” Ali added.

In this regard the bureau slammed the PA leadership in Ramallah city for fabricating information on the fuel crises in Gaza with the aim to mislead the international community away from the suffering of the Palestinian people.

“All the information given by the PA petroleum authority in Ramallah on the fuel crises in Gaza were inaccurate and unrealistic with the aim to convince the world and public opinion that the fuel crises in Gaza was invented” affirmed Ali.

He also charged that the Ramallah-based PA of trying to exonerate the Israeli occupation of its crimes by furnishing such wrong data urging media outlets to verify the information fed to them and to get that information from reliable sources.

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