Thu 19-September-2024

PA interior ministry vows to curb Fatah vandals in Gaza

Friday 5-October-2007

GAZA (PIC)– Ehab Al-Ghusain the spokesman of the PA interior ministry in Gaza city has warned Thursday “remnants” of Fatah’s mutiny trend that the arm of justice will reach and prosecute them for their heinous crimes in Gaza.

“The PA interior ministry will not tolerate any further attempt to spoil the prevailing peaceful and stable security condition in Gaza Strip at the hands of remnants of Fatah’s mutiny trend who receive financial and moral support from Ramallah” affirmed Al-Ghusain in a press statement Thursday.

He also vowed that the ministry will chase and arrest everyone including masterminds and perpetrators involved in the bombing incidents in Gaza strip explaining that the PA policemen have arrested a number of the culprits and suspects and placed them under interrogation.

“We have authenticated information of plans concocted by the Ramallah-based PA illegitimate government and Fatah leaders to spoil security and to sow divisiveness in Gaza” the PA official furthermore affirmed.

Ghusain’s sound and stern warning came at the backdrop of an explosion incident that wounded three PA policemen when suspected elements of the Fatah mutiny trend hurled a hand grenade at their jeep east of Gaza city.

Medical sources at the city’s Al-Shifa hospital informed PIC correspondent in the city that injury of one of the wounded policemen was critical. The two other policemen were moderately wounded and said to be in stable condition the sources added.

The perpetrators fled the crime scene but PA policemen chased the vehicle and arrested a number of suspects in the area.

Three days ago three Fatah vandals of that trend were killed as a bomb they were planting in the vehicle of a Hamas activist has prematurely went off and mutilated their bodies.

The PA legitimate government called on Palestinian families to watch their sons and to report any suspicious acts to the PA security authorities for immediate action.

In the West Bank PA security apparatuses and armed Fatah gangs under the command of PA chief Mahmoud Abbas continued their frenzied arrest campaigns in the lines of Hamas supporters across the region arresting at least three Hamas activists.

More than 500 Hamas cadres political leaders and sympathizers had been arrested at the hands of those armed militias over the past four months in addition to sealing off around 103 charities including those affiliated with Hamas catering for poor and needy Palestinian families and orphans.

Human rights and legal institutions affirmed that the PA security departments in Ramallah city were torturing and harshly interrogating the kidnapped Hamas activists explaining that many of the detainees were in bad health conditions.

Anger at PA preventive security:
In West Bank town of Dura near Al-Khalil Palestinian pupils protested the arrest of their teacher and chanted anti-PA preventive security slogans.

Mohammed Abu Arkoob 42 who is Hamas supporter and a well-known for his social work in the town was stopped while on his way to schools by elements of the infamous PA security apparatus who arrested him without informing him of the reasons.

Local sources revealed that a number of teachers in the school were also rounded up for sympathizing and expressing solidarity with their colleague.

Hamas Movement in the city condemned the arrest of Arkoob and held the PA preventive security fully responsible for his safety.

The Movement also affirmed that it will keep practicing self-restraint to preserve Palestinian national unity and to prevent further political divisiveness in the Palestinian street warning that such behavior mustn’t be understood as “weakness” on its part.

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