Fri 20-September-2024

PA security carries out new political arrests in W. Bank

Tuesday 24-January-2017

The Palestinian Authority (PA) security apparatuses arrested during the last few days seven citizens including four university students and summoned seven others for interrogation because of their political affiliation.

According to the Hamas Movement a PA security apparatus kidnapped Jebril Abu Subaih a Polytechnic University student as he was leaving the campus on Sunday in al-Khalil.

Abu Subaih already spent some time in Israeli and PA jails.

Security forces from the PA intelligence apparatus also kidnapped another Polytechnic student called Baraa Ballut following a violent raid on his home in Bani Na’im town east of al-Khalil.

The PA preventive security agency for its part kidnapped Salama al-Zuhour an ex-detainee in Israeli and West Bank jails from his home in Beit Kahil town west of al-Khalil.

Four other detainees were also kidnapped recently for politically-motivated reasons by the PA security forces in Bethlehem Nablus and Salfit including two university students called Mazen Zawahreh and Anas Ashtiya.

The PA security apparatuses also summoned for interrogation seven citizens in different West Bank areas including four minors under age 17 from the family of al-Barghouthi in Kobar town.

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PA security carries out new political arrests in W. Bank

Wednesday 28-December-2016

The Palestinian Authority (PA) security apparatuses on Tuesday arrested four citizens in different West Bank areas because of their political affiliations including three university students from the Islamic Bloc.

In Tulkarem the preventive security apparatus arrested Mohamed Laimun and Yehya Suwi students at Kadoorie University after summoning them for interrogation.

They have been detained two days before they can complete their final university exams.

In Salfit the same apparatus arrested another university student called Muaad Mar’ie from Qarawat Bani Hassan town after he responded to its summons.

There are already other university students in PA jails including Mohamed Mar’ie Musaab Shahada and Izzuddin Nawfal.

In al-Khalil the PA intelligence apparatus redetained political prisoner Malik Ghunaimat a few minutes after releasing him from its jail

Local sources said that intelligence personnel rearrested Ghunaimat after he reached the external gates of the prison. He had staged a hunger strike for several days in protest at his detention with no guilt.

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