Fri 20-September-2024

PA security persists in political arrests jails more citizens

Wednesday 8-March-2017

The Palestinian Authority (PA) security arrested during the last two days six Palestinian citizens as part of its politically motivated arrest campaign in the West Bank and summoned a journalist for interrogation.

In Ramallah the PA preventive security apparatus arrested ex-detainee Aiham Jarab’ah after he responded to a summons issued against him.

Jarab’ah from Beitin town in Ramallah had been jailed and summoned by the PA security agencies several times before.

In al-Khalil PA soldiers violently stormed the house of teacher Naim Abu Awad in al-Sarra village and assaulted his family members before rounding him up.

Another young man called Mohamed al-Haroub an ex-detainee in Israeli jails from Deir Sammit in al-Khalil was also taken prisoner by the preventive security agency.

In Tulkarem the PA security forces kidnapped a young man called Ahmed al-Jiyousi from his home.

They also raided a house in Tel village southwest of Nablus and kidnapped a university student called Mohamed Asida.

In Bethlehem the preventive security agency detained Salah Taqateqa a former prisoner in Israeli jails after summoning him.

For its part the PA intelligence agency in Bethlehem summoned journalist Qutaiba Qasem. It is still unknown if he was released after interrogating him.

In a related context the PA security apparatuses have been holding engineer Isam al-Aruri an ex-detainee from Arura village in Ramallah for over 12 days with no indictment or trial.

Another young citizen called Suhaib Abu Jarour a Hebron University student has been in PA jails for about 65 days with no guilt as well.

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