Sat 6-July-2024

PFB rejects Trump’s so-called deal of the century

Thursday 30-January-2020

The Palestinian Forum in Britain (PFB) asserts the importance of the Palestinian and Arab community uniting and doing their utmost to confront the Deal of the Century announced by Trump and Netanyahu.

PFB calls on the Palestinian community in Britain in particular and in the West in general to work together to confront the grave challenges facing the Palestinian cause. PFB affirms its resolve to continue its communication and cooperation with sister organizations to work to abolish this collusion against the Palestinian people and their cause using any political and advocacy methods permitted by law.

In a physical expression of rejecting this abhorrent deal PFB calls all those who stand in solidarity with Palestine to take part in the protest that will take place in front of the US Embassy in London at 1 o’clock on Saturday 1st February. PFB stresses the importance of participating in this stand saying it is the nominal expression of rejection to the plan.

PFB calls on the British government to not show any support to this devious deal if it is keen to uphold international law which Trump’s deal clearly violates in a blatant and shameless manner. PFB praises the stance of the leader of the Labour Party Jeremy Corbyn and of all British parliamentarians and politicians who announced their rejection of the deal.

PFB calls on all Palestinians within Palestine to unite their efforts and agree on a comprehensive project confronting the Israeli occupation in all possible ways admissible by humanitarian laws.

On this despicable occasion PFB affirms its steadfast stance in rejecting all the actions of the brutal Israeli occupation Trump’s devious plan and all plans that quash Palestinian rights. PFB reiterates that Palestine’s eternal capital is occupied Jerusalem which permanently belongs to the Palestinian people and will never be open for bargaining or gambling.

PFB notes that the issue of Palestine and occupied Jerusalem does not belong to Palestinians alone but rather it the cause of all the free people of the world. This collusion targets the entire free world and represents a blatant aggression against all those who support freedom and stand with the oppressed against their oppressor.

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