Sat 5-October-2024

PFLP: We will not stand idly towards Israeli crimes

Saturday 22-December-2018

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) said in a statement issued Saturday that Palestinian resistance factions cannot stand idly by while Israel continues its crimes against the Palestinian people.

The statement came following Israel’s killing of four Palestinian youths during Friday protests along Gaza borders.

Israeli carried out a new crime by killing four Palestinians in cold blood during their participation in the 39th week of Gaza March of Return the statement reads.

The PFLP called for adopting a new strategy to put an end to Israeli continued escalation.

“Such crimes will never succeed to break our people’s strong will and steadfastness” according to the statement.

Four Palestinians including two children were killed and dozens others injured on Friday when the Israeli soldiers fired at participants in the Great March of Return.

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