Sat 5-October-2024

PNC preparatory committee meetings kick off in Beirut

Tuesday 10-January-2017

The opening session of Palestinian National Council (PNC) preparatory committee meetings kicked off Tuesday morning in Beirut with the participation of Palestinian factions including Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

Izzat al-Resheq member of Hamas’s political bureau who is attending the meeting along with Mousa Abu Marzouk also a political bureau member hoped that the preparatory meetings would be fruitful and lead to the reformation of the PNC with all factions in including Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

Both Movements announced earlier on Monday their intention to attend the meeting. They also demand convening the temporary leadership framework which includes the PLO’s executive committee and representatives of the Palestinians factions.

Official figures along with a score of Lebanese parties are taking part in the opening session. Head of PNC Salim al-Zanoun expected all Palestinian factions to participate in the session.

The PNC is perceived as the parliament of the PLO. The last session was held in Gaza Strip in 1996 followed by a complementary session in Ramallah in 2009.

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