Wed 3-July-2024

Palestine to sue Israel over killing Palestinian protesters

Wednesday 4-April-2018

The Palestinian Special Commission to follow up Israeli crimes decided to prosecute Israel at the International Criminal Court (ICC) over killing unarmed Palestinian protesters during the first day of the Great Return March.

Secretary-General of the Palestinian Al-Haq Foundation Shawan Jabarin said that the Palestinian committee to oversee ICC cases is to exert its utmost efforts to prosecute the Israeli soldiers and military leaders over committing war crimes against unarmed civilians.

All documents images and videos that prove the Israeli army’s crimes against unarmed Palestinian protesters to be submitted to the court he underlined.

Jabarin denied Israeli allegations claiming that the killed protesters are members of Hamas Movement confirming that they were unarmed civilians who were peacefully protesting without posing any threat to life.

At least 18 Palestinian civilians have been deliberately killed and over 1500 injured by Israeli gunfire while taking part in the peaceful Great March of Return in the Gaza Strip.

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