Fri 20-September-2024

Palestinian elderly man injured in Kafr Qaddum march

Friday 20-March-2020

A Palestinian elderly man was injured on Friday when Israeli occupation forces violently dispersed the weekly demonstration against the settlement in Kafr Qaddum village in the West Bank district of Qalqilya.

The Israeli forces dispersed the demonstrators by firing rubber-coated metal bullets tear gas canisters and stun grenades at them injuring a man in his sixties.

Local sources said that a Palestinian man identified as Moayyad Shtewi 63 was injured by a rubber-coated metal bullet and treated by Red Crescent crews in the field.

A number of Palestinians suffered breathing difficulties as a result of inhaling tear gas.

Kafr Qaddum’s residents take to the streets every Friday to protest Israel’s ongoing settlement expansion on their lands.

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