Fri 20-September-2024

Palestinian factions based in Damascus reject early elections

Thursday 14-December-2006

DAMASCUS (PIC)– Palestinian factions based in Damascus on Wednesday rejected the PLO executive committee’s recommendation to PA chief Mahmoud Abbas to call for early presidential and parliamentary elections describing it as a coup against Palestinian democracy.

The six factions addressing a press conference in the Syrian capital strongly criticized the PA presidency charging it with hampering the formation of a national unity government.

They accused Abbas of bowing to foreign pressures and warned of an internal Palestinian strife.

Dr. Mousa Abu Marzouk deputy chairman of Hamas’ political bureau said that Abbas was consulting foreign parties in each and every step.

“We need an independent Palestinian decision-making process” he underlined noting that following Abbas’ announcement of the failure of dialogue towards forming a national unity movement during a joint press conference with Condoleezza Rice the American secretary of state security deterioration was witnessed in the PA-run lands.

For his part Talal Naji politburo member of the PFLP revealed that Farouk Kaddoumi the head of the PLO’s political department had addressed a message to Salim Al-Zanon the chairman of the Palestinian National council (PLO parliament-in-exile) saying that the PLO’s executive committee was illegitimate due to the absence of more than one third of its members.

The factions were in concord that the PLO committee’s recommendation gave room to more tensions and divisions within the Palestinian arena.

They said that the formation of a national unity government was a Palestinian and a national necessity to confront challenges affirming that the national harmony document was the suitable basis for such a government.

The factions in conclusion warned of linking the formation of that government to Washington or the Quartet’s approval.

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