Mon 8-July-2024

Palestinian family forced to self-demolish their house in Silwan

Friday 19-November-2021

The Israeli municipal authorities forced on Thursday the Burqan family to self-demolish their house in Ras Al-Amoud neighborhood in Silwan in Occupied Jerusalem.

Earlier Tuesday the Israeli authorities ordered the Burqan family to self-demolish their two-story home.

The family which consists of a couple and six children was struggling to obtain an Israeli building permit over the past 20 years.

However Israeli authorities refused to submit the construction building under flimsy pretexts as part of the Israeli systematic displacement policy against Palestinians in Occupied Jerusalem.

Palestinian homes are being demolished on an almost daily basis in the holy city.

Since 2005 residents of the Silwan have received warnings to demolish more than 100 homes for building without a permit in favor of an Israeli settler organization that seeks to turn the land into a national park.

According to Grassroots Jerusalem a Palestinian NGO both home demolitions and court-ordered forced displacements are tactics used to expel Palestinian residents.

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