Thu 19-September-2024

Palestinian injured after being hit by settler car in J’lem

Friday 4-June-2021

A Jewish female settler driving at high speed ran over a Palestinian citizen last night and injured him near the Bab al-Maghariba area outside the Aqsa Mosque in Occupied Jerusalem.

According to eyewitnesses the citizen was taken to a hospital for medical assistance after he suffered injuries and bruises when a female settler rammed her car into him in the area.

In a separate incident a horde of extremist Jewish settlers on Thursday set fire to an olive grove in Jabel al-Aalam area in Ni’lin town northwest of Ramallah in the West Bank.

According to local sources settlers infiltrated into the area and set ablaze about 50 olive trees while Israeli soldiers opened fire at local residents as they tried to reach the grove to extinguish the flames.

Luckily no one was hurt in the shooting attack.

The grove belongs to several local citizens from the family of Surour.

Meanwhile hundreds of extremist settlers escorted by soldiers stormed the Islamic holy shrines in Kifl Hares town in northern Salfit.

Local sources said that young men from Kifl Hares confronted the settlers and soldiers and showered them with firecrackers.

They added that the settlers provocatively danced and sang during their presence in the town while the Israeli occupation army imposed movement restrictions on local residents at the main entrance to the town.

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