Mon 16-September-2024

Palestinian injured by Israeli gunfire in Kafr Qaddum

Sunday 15-March-2020

A Palestinian young man suffered a shrapnel wound in his back on Saturday when the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) quelled a peaceful march in Kafr Qaddum town east of Qalqilya.

The participants in the march were heading for the IOF roadblock on the main entrance to their town to demand the Israeli occupation authority to reopen it.

According to local official Murad Shetaiwi Israeli soldiers opened fire at the participants injuring one of them in the back.

The wounded citizen received first aid from a Red Crescent ambulance crew before transferring him to Rafidia Hospital in Nablus city.

The soldiers also deliberately fired live ammunition and tear gas canisters at homes in the town during the events. As a result windows of some homes reportedly sustained damage.

The main road between Kafr Qaddum and Nablus has been blocked since 2003 thus elongating the travel distance.

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