Fri 20-September-2024

Palestinian killed 4 wounded as Israeli cops demolish al-Hiran homes

Wednesday 18-January-2017

A Palestinian youth was cold-bloodedly killed by the Israeli police at daybreak Wednesday as they demolished Palestinian homes in the Negev village of Um al-Hiran.

Head of the local village committee Raed Abu al-Kiaan said youngster Yaakoub Moussa Hussein Abu al-Kiaan in his 20’s of age breathed his last in an Israeli assault on Um al-Hiran.

Four other Palestinians sustained moderate-to-critical wounds shortly after the Israeli police stormed the village to knock down Palestinian homes.

The Israeli police claimed that the victim is affiliated with ISIS a pretext increasingly used by the Israeli authorities to legitimize extra-judicial killings against the Palestinians.

Head of the Joint Arab List MK Ayman Odeh was shot by the policemen with two rubber bullets in his head and back and was rushed along with the other wounded civilians to the Soroka Hospital in Beersheba for urgent treatment.

Speaking with a PIC news correspondent Um al-Hiran residents said Abu al-Kiaan went into the village in his car at the same time as the locals flocked to the area in an attempt to prevent the mass-demolitions started by the Israeli bulldozers. Moments later Abu al-Kiaan was fatally shot by the Israeli cops and breathed his last right on the spot. Other protesters were left wounded in the attack.

Other eyewitnesses recounted a similar version of the incident saying Abu al-Kiaan was shot as he showed up in the village in his car and rammed the vehicle into a group of Israeli cops as they supervised the demolition process.

Al-Jazeera cameraman was also injured by Israeli bullet fire in the process.

Reporting from the scene Al-Jazeera on-the-spot correspondent Ilyas Karam said the Israeli police discharged heavy spates of bullet fire and teargas canisters on the Palestinian protesters in an attempt to aggressively disband them before they cordoned off the village from all sides.

The Palestinian native inhabitants of Um al-Hiran took to the streets after calls were launched via the mosque loudspeakers to object the arbitrary demolitions of 12 Palestinian homes and stand on ground against such Israeli schemes of ethnic cleansing.

The local popular committee urged the Palestinian activists and political parties to rally round the unrecognized village of Um al-Hiran and take a firm action in response to Israel’s simmering terrorism.

A home to some 400 Palestinian families Um al-Hiran has been increasingly subjected to Israel’s schemes of ethnic cleansing in an attempt to uproot the village and deport its native Palestinian residents setting the stage for building Jewish-only towns

Recently the Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu unleashed orders for the swift demolition of Palestinian homes in the Green Line under the unlicensed construction pretext just a few weeks after the Israeli Supreme Court ruled for the evacuation of the illegal Amona outpost in the occupied West Bank.

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