Mon 1-July-2024

Palestinian killed others wounded in Ramallah

Tuesday 18-May-2021

A Palestinian man was killed and more than 46 others were wounded in Israeli occupation forces’ (IOF) quelling of a peaceful Palestinian march at the northern entrance of al-Bireh city on Tuesday.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health identified the man as Muhammad Hamid 25 adding that he was shot in the chest. He arrived at the Palestine Medical Complex in a very critical condition and was later proclaimed dead it added.

The Red Crescent and Ministry of Health teams reported that 46 civilians were injured by live bullets three of them were seriously injured while four others were wounded by rubber-coated metal bullets. They were all taken to the Palestine Medical Complex in Ramallah for treatment.

The PIC correspondent reported that the IOF soldiers opened fire at the demonstrators and press crews at the northern entrance to Al-Bireh.

An Israeli military spokesman said that a soldier and female officer were wounded in a shootout with Palestinian local youths near the northern entrance to the city of Al-Bireh.

Meanwhile a young man was wounded by live bullets on Tuesday afternoon during clashes with IOF in the village of Beit Sira west of Ramallah.

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