Thu 19-September-2024

Palestinian mother loses her child due to hospital strike

Monday 20-November-2006

Ramallah – A Palestinian mother pregnant in her 8th month has lost her baby after the Ramallah government hospital refused to admit her citing a strike that health workers had been waging for the past few weeks demanding payment of their salaries Palestinian sources reported.

They added that the 36-year-old mother Halima Mohammed Al-Barghouthi arrived at dawn last Monday in Ramallah hospital after feeling a premature delivery but the hospital staff refused to allow her in the hospital despite the seriousness of her case.

Halima a mother of three children and an elementary school teacher said no doctors or paramedics attended to her case despite her suffering and bleeding.

She said that her relatives debated with the nurses but they would not allow her access and had to go to the Red Crescent hospital in El-Bireh who also refused to allow her into hospital due to the lack of nurseries.

She recalled that she asked the Ramallah hospital for an ambulance to carry her to El-Bireh hospital but they refused which doubled her suffering.

After hours of bleeding she went to a specialized hospital where the doctors had to operate on her but the baby died.

The western-led siege to the Palestinian people and government had deprived the PA of its main source of income namely foreign financial assistance which made it almost impossible for the Hamas-led government to secure salaries for civil servants on regular basis. The Israeli-inspired USA-led economic and political boycott of the government followed Hamas’ sweeping victory of the general elections last January that brought the Movement to power.

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