Sat 21-September-2024

Palestinian seriously wounded by Jewish fanatics in Haifa

Saturday 23-July-2022

A horde of Jewish extremists stabbed and seriously injured a Palestinian young man in Haifa City in the north of 1948 occupied Palestine (Israel) on Friday evening.

The victim who was identified as 24-year-old Ahmed Kabha from Tura al-Gharbiya village in Jenin was attacked by the fanatics after he left his workplace in Haifa City.

Kabha was stabbed six times in his back and behind one of his ears and doctors in the government hospital in Jenin where he was admitted described his condition as “critical.”

In a separate incident Israeli bulldozers and settlers continued on Saturday to build a new road on annexed land in Kafr Malik village in eastern Ramallah.

Hundreds of dunums of Palestinian land were recently seized to build this new road that leads to the illegal settlement of Kochav Hashahar.

Meanwhile dozens of Palestinian citizens suffered from inhaling tear gas when the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) attacked a popular event held in Shuweika area in ad-Dhahiriya town south of al-Khalil.

The event was organized to protest Israeli land grab and settlement expansion in the area.

The IOF also kidnaped Dhahiriya mayor Bahjat al-Jabbarin while a Jewish settler reportedly opened fire at participants in the event under the noses of Israeli soldiers.

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