Sun 7-July-2024

Palestinian shot dead by PA forces in Nablus

Thursday 1-February-2018

A Palestinian young man was fatally shot by the Palestinian Authority (PA) forces at daybreak Thursday following clashes rocking the Balata refugee camp east of Nablus province.

According to local sources clashes burst out in Balata camp between al-Dalhi family and heavily-armed PA officers who stormed the area in the hunt for Ahmed al-Dalahi al-Tirawi.

The clashes started at around 1.30 a.m. and lasted for one hour before they culminated in the murder of al-Dalahi. His brother was left injured in the clashes.

PA sources said that two officers were injured in the clashes and that a weapon and drugs were spotted at the victim’s home.

None of al-Tirawi’s family members were available for an immediate comment on the incident.

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