Sun 7-July-2024

Palestinians in WB mark 100th anniversary of Balfour declaration

Thursday 2-November-2017

Thousands of Palestinians in the West Bank cities took to the streets on Thursday to mark the 100th anniversary of the ill-famed Balfour Declaration.

Peaceful marches were held in each of Nablus Ramallah Jenin Bethlehem Tubas al-Khalil and Jericho cities with the participation of scout teams. Meanwhile working time was suspended in governmental institutions and a marathon for school students was staged under the theme “Balfour Rejection Marathon”.

Hundreds of the participants wore black uniforms and carried black banners besides the Palestinian flags and other posters condemning Balfour Declaration. In a letter addressed to the British Council in Ramallah the protesters asked the UK to apologize for the unfair declaration.

Wasel Abu Yousef member of Fatah Central Committee told Anadolu agency during the march which kicked off in Ramallah that preparations are currently taking place to sue the UK at British and international courts.

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