Thu 24-October-2024

Palestinians injured in IOF settlers’ attacks in West Bank

Friday 21-October-2022

Scores of Palestinians were injured on Friday after the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) and Jewish settlers attacked Palestinian protestors who condemned the closure imposed on Nablus for 11 days.

64 Palestinian citizens were injured including five by rubber-coated metal bullets and another by IOF live bullets while the others suffered breathing problems in Beit Furik and Huwara towns in the Nablus governorate according to the Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS).

The IOF detained PRCS crews and confiscated their equipment at the checkpoint of Beit Furik east of the West Bank city of Nablus.

Meanwhile the IOF detained the two Palestinian young men Usama Hanini and Issa Hanini during clashes that erupted following the protests in Beit Furik town.

In a related development IOF soldiers fired rubber-coated metal bullets and tear gas bombs at Palestinian protestors to quell the anti-settlement marches in Beita and Qaryut villages in Nablus and Kafr Qaddoum village east of Qalqilya leaving several Palestinians injured and causing breathing problems to others.

A Palestinian young man was injured by IOF live bullets in the abdomen while another was wounded by a rubber-coated metal bullet in Kafr Qaddoum village.

Local sources reported that a 15-year-old child was seriously injured in his abdomen during clashes that erupted between Palestinian youths and IOF soldiers at the checkpoint north of Qalqilya governorate.

Eyewitnesses said that 14-year-old Mahmoud Riyad in addition to a foreign activist were injured in the chest by rubber-coated metal bullets after Israeli soldiers attacked Palestinian protestors in Kafr Qaddoum.

In another development a group of Jewish settlers from the illegal settlement of Yitzhar attacked Palestinian citizens while they were picking their olives hurling stones at them and forcing them to leave their lands north of Huwara town.

Meanwhile two Palestinian young men were injured one hit by a stone in the head during a settlers’ attack in Burin village south of Nablus.

Moreover the Palestinian teenager Ahmad Idah suffered bruises after Israeli soldiers attacked Palestinians who where picking olives in Beit Uwa near the separation wall south of al-Khalil.

Jewish settlers attacked Palestinian vehicles near the Hajai settlement established on Palestinian-owned lands near the southern entrance of al-Khalil imposing restrictions on the movement of Palestinian citizens in several towns of the city.

Furthermore settlers protected by IOF soldiers attacked Palestinian citizens while they were picking their olives near a settlement outpost established on Palestinian-owned lands east of Qaffin town north of Tulkarem.

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