Sat 5-October-2024

Palestinians jailed without trial boycott Israeli courts for 67th day

Tuesday 1-May-2018

Palestinian detainees being locked up administratively with neither charge nor trial in Israeli jails have maintained their decision to boycott Israeli courts for the 76th consecutive day.

The prisoners started their strike in protest against their illegal detention as well as due to the dramatic surge in the number of Palestinians sentenced administratively by the Israeli occupation authorities.

Human rights sources said the Israeli prison authorities threatened to bring the detainees before Israeli courts by force.

There are currently 450 Palestinian prisoners being held administratively in Israeli lock-ups many among them have had their terms renewed without charge or trial. A number of detainees have been jailed under similar tags for terms that have reached up to 14 years.

In 2017 alone 1060 administrative detention sentences were issued by the occupation authorities against Palestinian prisoners down from 1742 in 2016.

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