Fri 20-September-2024

Palestinians kidnapped homes ransacked in dawn sweep by Israeli army

Monday 13-November-2017

Several Palestinians were kidnapped by the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) in abduction sweeps rocking the West Bank at daybreak Monday.

Israeli army troops rolled into Tekou’ town in Bethlehem and wreaked havoc on civilian homes before kidnapping two Palestinian teenagers.

The occupation soldiers further ravaged civilian homes in Bethlehem’s northwestern town of al-Walja and kidnapped the youngster Husam Abu Khalifa aged 17.

At the same time clashes burst out in Husan village west of Bethlehem where the IOF aggressively attacked Palestinian anti-occupation youth. The latter responded by hurling stones on the occupation patrols.

Meanwhile dozens of Israeli soldiers showed up in Jenin’s southern town of Arraba in the northern occupied West Bank and kidnapped the Islamic Jihad leader Tareq Kaadan from his family home.

Kaadan was released just a few months ago from Israeli jails where he had spent a total of 15 years mostly in administrative detention with neither charge nor trial.

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