Sat 6-July-2024

Parliamentary group slams Israeli violations against Palestinian MPs

Saturday 8-January-2022

Parliamentarians for al-Quds a coalition of multinational lawmakers based in Istanbul has denounced the Israeli decision to extend the administrative detention of Palestinian lawmaker Mohamed Abu Tir with no indictment or trial.

In a statement the parliamentary coalition also deplored the Israeli occupation forces for raiding the house of MP Mohamed at-Tal maltreating his family in al-Khalil and raiding the house of detained MP Ahmed Saadat in Ramallah.

The coalition urged the parliaments and lawmakers around the world to pressure Israel to abide by the international law and stop violating the rights of the MPs and political and societal leaders who represent the Palestinian people.

It also called for making efforts to ensure the immediate release of all the detained lawmakers from Israeli jails and to protect their families against any persecution.

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