Tue 2-July-2024

Poll: Hamas is most deserving of leading the Palestinian people

Wednesday 14-December-2022

An opinion poll conducted recently by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PCPSR) and the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Ramallah has showed that the Hamas Movement is more deserving of representing and leading the Palestinian people than other factions.

According to the findings of the poll that was carried out in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip between 7 and 10 December 2022 there is overwhelming support among the Palestinian citizens for resistance groups such as the “Lions’ Den.”

The poll also showed a further decline in the popularity of the Fatah Movement and its leadership and an increasing Palestinian rejection of the so-called two-state solution and even a one-state solution in which Palestinians and Israeli Jews enjoy equal rights.

“If new presidential elections were held today and only two were nominated Mahmoud Abbas and Ismail Haneyya only 46 percent would participate and from among those Abbas would receive 36 percent and Haneyya 54 percent of the votes (compared to 53 percent for Haneyya and 38 percent for Abbas three months ago)” according to the poll results which was published on the PCPSR website.

69 percent of the participants in the poll said they support the holding of presidential and legislative elections in the Palestinian territories in the near future while 29 percent said they do not support that.

Findings also show that 70 percent of the public views negatively Mahmoud Abbas’ decree forming a high council for the judiciary under his chairmanship and thinks such a step will weaken the independence of the judiciary.

The vast majority of the public (87 percent) says the Palestinian Authority does not have the right to arrest members of resistance groups in order to prevent them from carrying out attacks against Israel.

“Demand for Abbas’s resignation stands today at 73 percent in the West Bank and 79 percent in the Gaza Strip” the poll said.

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