Sat 5-October-2024

Popular march in Bilin in support for Occupied Jerusalem

Friday 23-February-2018

A popular march kicked off on Friday from Bilin town towards the Separation Wall in support for Occupied Jerusalem and in protest at the US President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

The inhabitants of the town along with foreign activists participated in the protest which was held by the Popular Committee against Separation Wall and Settlement in Bilin. Israeli peace activists were also among the participants in the popular event.

The protesters carried Palestinian flags and photos of the Palestinian detained girl Ahed al-Tamimi and the imprisoned popular activist Munther Amira. The participants chanted slogans for national unity liberation of Palestinian detainees and resistance of Israeli occupation.

The spokesman of the committee Rateb Abu Rahma condemned the Israeli torturing and killing of Yasin al-Saradih 33 in Jericho and held Israeli government responsible for his murder.

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