Tue 2-July-2024

Production estimation of grapes in Gaza Strip 7000 tons this year

Saturday 30-July-2022

A Palestinian official has said that the production of grapes in the Gaza Strip is likely to increase to more than 7000 tons during one of the best agricultural seasons.

Adham El Bassiouni spokesman for the Palestinian ministry of agriculture in Gaza told Quds Press a few days ago that just like other fruit crops the production of grapes is abundant this year.

“Lands planted with grapes in addition to the climatic conditions were appropriate for the production processes of both seeded and seedless grapes” Bassiouni underlined adding that the season of seedless grapes has ended while the season of seeded grapes has just started and will continue until next September.

Spokesman Bassiouni explained that 5000 dunums are planted with seeded grapes while 350 dunums are non-fruitful which will be included in the production line in the coming years. He added that the quantities will be available in Gaza local markets.

Bassiouni confirmed that the Palestinian ministry of agriculture will not allow the import of any fruits of the same product since the local one is available. He added that allowing the import of some quantities might be considered once the local product is entirely sold.

He added that the ministry of agriculture along with institutions in the agricultural sector are exerting considerable efforts in the rehabilitation of large areas planted with this crop that were destroyed by the Israeli occupation which requires high costs.

For his part the Palestinian farmer Alaa Hassan is optimistic about the season of grapes as he is the employer of many workers.

Hassan told Quds Press that work during this season starts in February and includes preparing the trees trimming them and shoring them up.

“The production of good grapes requires special care and attention in order to protect it from pests and infections” Hassan affirmed.

He stressed that the first benefit of this season is selling the leaves of grapes which are used to prepare the traditional dish of Dawali or stuffed grape leaves.

“In the second half of July the fruits of grapes are picked and sold” Hassan underlined adding that at the beginning of the season one kilo of grapes is sold for 7 shekels which equals 2 USD. He concluded that this price might later decline to 3 shekels which is less than 1 USD.

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