Wed 3-July-2024

Protest against US deal of century held outside Dutch Parliament

Wednesday 19-February-2020

The Palestinian Community in the Netherlands and Dutch institutions staged a sit-in on Tuesday outside the parliament in The Hague to voice rejection of the US deal of the century and voice support for the Palestinian people’s legitimate rights.

During the sit-in a group of personages representing the Palestinian Community and pro-Palestine institutions in the country submitted a petition on the dangerous impacts of the US deal of the century on the Palestinian cause to the Dutch Parliament’s foreign affairs committee.

Members of the group briefed officials from the foreign affairs committee on the implications of the US deal for the future of the Palestinian people and their legitimate rights.

The petition called on the Dutch government to state a clear position against the US deal and make efforts to ensure protection provided for the Palestinian people’s rights and call for an end to Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian lands.

Later the group went to the headquarters of the Dutch Foreign Ministry in The Hague where they submitted a similar petition.

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