Fri 20-September-2024

Qeiq’s wife strip-searched 17 Palestinians kidnapped by IOF

Wednesday 25-January-2017

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) at dawn Wednesday kidnapped 17 Palestinians from the West Bank and subjected a prisoner’s wife to a strip search.

“The occupation army stormed my family home in Dura town in al-Khalil and wreaked havoc on the building before they strip-searched me and summoned me for questioning” Fayhaa Shelesh the wife of the imprisoned Palestinian journalist Mohamed al-Qeiq said on Facebook.

A Palestinian youth—Ezzedine Al-Titi—was meanwhile kidnapped by the IOF from his home in the al-Fawar refugee camp in southern al-Khalil province.

The occupation soldiers further stormed a smithy owned by Ibrahim Hmeidat in al-Khalil’s western town of Surif and seized its equipment before they summoned the blacksmith for interrogation.

Meanwhile an assault by the IOF on Nour Shams camp in Tulkarem province culminated in the abduction of six Palestinian civilians.

The IOF reportedly cracked down on Palestinian citizens and ravaged civilian homes. Several Palestinians have also been subjected to intensive searches and interrogations.

Speaking to the PIC local sources said the IOF stormed Tulkarem’s camp of Nour Shams in over 20 army jeeps before they cordoned off the shelter from all sides and rummaged into civilian homes.

The six arrestees were identified as Mohamed Ghreifi Raji Ghreifi Mohamed Azza Ali Abu Salah Ramez Alyan and Ali Ameen Abu Al-Rub.

Palestinian citizen Bassem Sa’id al-Barghouti was meanwhile kidnapped by the Israeli soldiers from Ramallah while Nidhal Andouniyeh and Ameer Andouniyeh were arrested in Bethlehem.

Another Palestinian—Malek Mohamed Hameed—was arrested by the Israeli forces in Occupied Jerusalem.

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