Thu 24-October-2024

Report: 2016 witnessed increased violations against Palestinians

Saturday 31-December-2016

The Land Research Center of the Arab Studies Society said that 2016 witnessed more Israeli violations against the Palestinian citizens and their properties compared to the previous year.

The Center pointed in a detailed report to the Israeli draft laws issued in 2016 including a draft law legitimizing the Israeli settlements the absentee property law and a draft law for the prevention of the Adhan (call for prayer) in the Palestinian mosques as a prelude to Judaize the Palestinian culture.

The report also referred to the Israeli voices calling for the annexation of Area C of the Palestinian territories occupied in 1967 to Israel and the dramatically escalated Israeli violations in East Jerusalem.

It pointed out that the number of house demolitions in 2016 compared to 2015 increased by 208%. The number of demolished houses reached 418 leaving 1852 people including 848 children homeless.

The number of facilities demolished this year which is 646 is 154% more than the previous year. Besides 927 demolition orders were issued against buildings and other facilities with an increase of 115%.

The lands that were confiscated in favor of the settlement expansion amounted to 13295 dunums with an increase of 43%. This is also in addition to cutting and uprooting 9700 tress including 6550 olive trees and attacking farmers and Bedouins. 110 attacks of this kind were reported.

195 other violations were committed against religious historical and archaeological sites 100 of which were against al-Aqsa Mosque.

The report was concluded by praising the Palestinian people who stood fast against the Israeli violations and particularly the activists researchers and journalists who worked hard to expose these violations. It added that such efforts led the international community to support the Palestinian rights and stand against the Israeli settlement building and activity with the adoption of the Security Council Resolution 2334.

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