Sat 12-October-2024

Rights group: Israeli courts violating international law

Sunday 12-February-2017

Al Mezan Center For Human Rights slammed on Sunday the Israeli Supreme Court for upholding a request from the Israeli prosecution to increase the prison sentence of Al Mezan’s client—Palestinian prisoner Jihad Khalid Abu Hadaid 28—from six years of imprisonment to eight.

Al Mezan Center for Human Rights condemned the increase in prison term in a case built on the torture of the defendant and called on the international community to intervene.

On 25 July 2014 during Israel’s bombardment on the Gaza Strip codenamed “Operation Protective Edge” the Israeli forces launched a ground invasion into the area of Al Fukhari Khan Younis and arrested Abu Hadaid among others a statement by Al Mezan Center read.

In his affidavit to Al Mezan Abu Hadaid described the use of torture and other cruel and degrading treatment during his arrest and interrogation by Israeli security forces and authorities.

Abu Hadaid stated that he was beaten; forced to sit in direct sunlight for several hours; during interrogation his hands were cuffed from behind while he was seated in a “stress position” on a small chair; he was verbally abused; and he was kept in solidarity confinement for several days.

In one verbal threat Abu Hadaid was told by Israeli authorities that his house would be attacked; his home was later attacked by the Israeli air force. Abu Hadaid was prevented from meeting with a lawyer for 21 days after arrest.

Al Mezan asserted that the level of coercion used against Abu Hadaid resulted in a forced confession which must not be used as evidence in court.

“A confession obtained under means of torture including enhanced interrogation techniques or other forms of duress is considered a forced confession under international law” Al Mezan warned. “The ruling issued by the High Court is dependent on a confession by torture and as a serious miscarriage of justice amounts to a serious violation of international law and blatant disregard for justice principles.”

The ruling further violates article (5) of the Fourth Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War article (10) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights article (14) of the International Covenant on Civilian and Political Rights articles (111213 and 14) of the Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners relating to the conditions in which Abu Hadaid is kept and the Convention against Torture relating to the absolute prohibition on torture and ill-treatment.

Al Mezan called on the international community to uphold its moral and legal obligations toward Palestinian prisoners and detainees held by Israel and to exert pressure on Israel to respect international law in particular the absolute prohibition on torture and ill-treatment and the principles of justice.

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