Mon 16-September-2024

Sabri welcomes reconciliation deal warns of ongoing attacks on Aqsa

Friday 13-October-2017

Al-Aqsa Mosque preacher Sheikh Ekrima Sabri on Friday welcomed the reconciliation agreement signed by Hamas and Fatah movements in Cairo hoping that it will be crowned with success.

During his Friday sermon at al-Aqsa Mosque Sheikh Sabri pointed to the ongoing Israeli attacks targeting the holy site including the closure of Bab al-Rahma building which he described as an “integral part of al-Aqsa Mosque”.

Sabri denounced the complaints recently filed by extremist Jewish groups against the Islamic Awqaf Department and other religious institutions at al-Aqsa Mosque in an attempt to obtain a court order that provides for imposing Israeli sovereignty over the Mosque.

As for school curriculum in Jerusalem he reiterated that teaching the Israeli curriculum in Occupied Jerusalem’s schools is forbidden because it is incompatible with the Islamic values and principles.

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