Fri 20-September-2024

Salah: House demolitions are terrorism

Friday 20-January-2017

Sheikh Raed Salah leader of the northern branch of the Islamic Movement in the 1948 occupied Palestinian territories (outlawed by Israel) warned on Friday the Israeli authorities that the escalation of Israeli measures against the Palestinians in the 1948 territories will generate an explosion describing the demolition of Palestinian houses there as “terrorism”.

On the ruins of the demolished houses in Umm al-Hiran village in the Negev and in front of the house of martyr Yaqoub Abu al-Qiaan who was killed by the Israeli police Sheikh Salah said in a Friday sermon that the Arab community in the 1948 Palestinian territories must act against the violations committed in the village and share in rebuilding the houses demolished by the Israeli authorities.

Thousands of Palestinians performed Friday prayer in Umm al-Hiran as a part of the activities held in protest against the Israeli crimes and attempts to displace Palestinians.

Raed Abu al-Qiaan chairman of the local committee of the Negev called in his speech after Friday prayer on the concerned authorities to increase their efforts toward the reconstruction of the destroyed houses as soon as possible and protect the village from the repeated Israeli attacks.

He called for a large-scale solidarity campaign with the village’s inhabitants and more visits to the protest tent set up on the ruins of the destroyed houses.

Abu al-Qiaan added “We all know the great teacher Yaqoub Abu al-Qian who was known for his love and forgiveness and witnessed how he was murdered in cold blood. Whatever the Israeli police claim our just cause will triumph.”

For his part Sheikh Osama al-Aqabi leader of the Islamic Movement in the Negev mourned martyr Yaqoub Abu al-Qiaan adding that he represents all Palestinians everywhere. He delivered a message to the Israeli authorities saying “We are the owners of this land and these houses and we will not give up our rights.”

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