Thu 19-September-2024

Search works for the missing fisherman continue for the third day

Friday 6-January-2017

Searching works for the Gazan missing fisherman Mohammad Al-Hissi who went missing on Wednesday after Israeli occupation navy drowned a Palestinian-fishing boat off Gaza shores are ongoing for the third day on Friday.

Fishermen syndicate chief Nizar Ayyash denied the news about finding his body in the northern Gaza sea after the Israeli navy hit the fishing boat deliberately. Ayyash also underlined that the family of the Palestinian victim denied the news as well.

The navy attack triggered a wave of anger amid Palestinians in Gaza whereas many parties condemned such Israeli repeated attacks against Gazan fishermen off Gaza shores.

Hamas and Islamic Jihad Movements charged the Israeli occupation authorities with full responsibility for the continuation of such violations and perceived the attack as part of systematic Israeli crimes that need a firm position on the part of the international human rights institutions.

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