Fri 20-September-2024

Settler bulldozes land to build wall for his outpost in Jericho

Wednesday 3-June-2020

An armed Jewish settler on Tuesday bulldozed a swath of land in the Palestinian Bedouin community of Arab al-Malihat in the northwest of Jericho in order to build a separation wall for his outpost.

According to local sources an armed settler bulldozed about 350 dunums of land on the eastern side on the Kaabana Bedouins High School in order to build a wall separating his outpost from the community.

In a separate incident a horde of settlers expelled under military protection Palestinian farmers from their own lands in Kisan village east of Bethlehem.

Deputy chief of the village Ahmed Ghazal said that settlers from the illegal settlements of Ma’ale Amos and its nearby outpost Ibei Hanahal brutalized and expelled local farmers from their own land as they were plowing them.

Ghazal added that the settlers claimed that the farmers’ presence in the area needed special permits.

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