Sat 21-September-2024

Settler ransacks agricultural structure in western Jenin

Thursday 19-May-2022

An extremist Jewish settler from the illegal settlement of Mevo Dotan vandalized on Thursday an agricultural structure in Amriha hamlet southwest of Jenin.

Farmer Ra’ed Abu Bakr said that a settler broke into a prefabricated room he uses for agricultural storage purposes in the hamlet near Ya’bad town and wreaked havoc on its contents.

Ya’bad mayor Amjad Atatreh said that the same settler had already appropriated swaths of land in a mountainous area near Mevo Dotan settlement assaulted local citizens and their property more than once and grazed his cattle repeatedly on private lands.

In a separate incident Palestinian farmers and activists managed on Wednesday to demolish a shed built by Jewish settlers on Palestinian land in Beit Ummar town in northern al-Khalil particularly in an area near the settlement of Karmei Tzur.

A few days ago settlers from Karmei Tzur placed dozens of mobile homes on swaths of land belonging to Palestinian citizens on Mount Abu Suda in the east of Beit Ummar town.

Local sources said that the Israeli occupation authority started recently after its approval of plans to build about 4427 settler homes across the West Bank to establish a settlement belt of mobile homes on agricultural lands belonging to Palestinian citizens from Beit Ummar and Halhul towns in northern al-Khalil.

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