Sat 29-June-2024

Settler sewage continues to destroy land and environment in Salfit

Wednesday 7-September-2022

Jewish settlers in the occupied West Bank dumped on Wednesday their wastewater into Palestinian agricultural lands in different areas of Salfit causing large-scale air water and soil pollution.

According to local farmers settlers from the illegal settlement of Leshem opened sewage drains and flooded swaths of Palestinian-owned land in Deir Ballut town in western Salfit damaging dozens of dunums of land planted with fruitful olive trees.

Settlers also poured sewage from the illegal settlements of Ariel and Pedu’el into vast tracts of land in other areas of Salfit especially in al-Matwi area and the towns of Kafr ad-Dik and Deir Ballut.

Different Jewish settlements in the West Bank have been pumping their sewage directly into nearby Palestinian areas for years creating a dangerous and unhealthy situation for local residents and contaminating soil groundwater and crops.

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