Sun 22-September-2024

Settlers attack Palestinians in al-Khalil and Jordan Valley

Sunday 20-December-2020

Jewish settlers attacked Palestinian farmers and shepherds in the northern Jordan Valley and al-Khalil on Sunday.

Aref Daraghmeh a human rights activist stated that Jewish settlers attacked the shepherds in the Ain al-Hilweh area wounding Hilal Adel Daraghmeh in his head.

Daraghmeh pointed out that the northern Jordan Valley area is under constant attack by settlers with the aim of confiscating more lands building settlement roads and displacing the Palestinian inhabitants.

Meanwhile settlers attacked Palestinian farmers in Susiya village east of Yatta south of al-Khalil.

Ratib al-Jabour the coordinator of the Popular and National Committees to Resist the Wall and Settlements said that settlers of the Susiya settlement which is established on Palestinian lands east of Yatta had assaulted farmers from the Harini family in Wadi al-Rakhim.

He added that settlers prevented farmers from plowing their land. Palestinian farmers confronted them and several Palestinians were injured.

Jabour added that these attacks come as part of a series of continuous attacks that settlers carry out against the citizens and their properties in Yatta preventing them from accessing their lands cultivating them and grazing in them. These attacks aim to seize the lands for settlement expansion.

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