Fri 20-September-2024

Settlers destroy dozens of olive trees near Tulkarem

Saturday 18-July-2020

A horde of Jewish settlers on Friday chopped off several olive trees in Kafr al-Labad town near Tulkarem while others placed prefabricated homes on a mount in Beita town in southern Nablus.

According to local sources in Tulkarem settlers from the illegal settlement of Avnei Hefetz and Dyrban chopped off dozens of olive trees using chainsaws in Kafr al-Labad town.

Dozens of perennial olive trees belonging to the sons of Adel Baker were among the trees which were destroyed by the settlers

In a separate incident a gang of settlers on the same day deployed many prefabricated homes on Mount Subaih in Beita town in southern Nablus a few hours after pitching tents in the same area.

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