Sat 6-July-2024

Sharks converge on Gaza beaches

Tuesday 23-May-2017

Palestinian fishermen in the Gaza Strip were able to catch large quantities of sharks on Tuesday on the southern Gaza Strip beach of Khan Younis.

Fuad al-Amoudi the head of the Fishermen Syndicate in Khan Younis said that large numbers of sharks converged on Khan Younis beach on Monday evening adding that about 120 sharks of different sizes were caught.

Amoudi told the PIC reporter that sharks start to converge on the Gaza Strip beaches in an annual season in March until the end of April from the south to the north pointing out that the season started late this year in May.

Amoudi said that the fishermen look forward to this season every year and prepare special nets for it because it constitutes a precious livelihood for them and explained that one kilo of shark meat is sold in the local market at prices ranging from 27 to 33 shekels.

He added that the Gaza Strip residents call sharks “monster fish” and eat and cook them in various ways.

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