Mon 1-July-2024

Sheikh Hussein raps Indonesian clerics’ participation in Israeli event

Wednesday 13-June-2018

Sheikh Mohamed Hussein Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and Palestine has strongly denounced the participation of some Indonesian religious figures in the Zio-American interfaith conference in Occupied Jerusalem.

In press remarks Sheikh Hussein described the conference as part of Israel’s systematic misleading campaigns that are intended to embellish it and make it appear as a country that advocates for peace and rapprochement between religions.

He condemned the Indonesian delegation’s visit as “a crime against the Palestinian cause and against the Muslim nation” and said it ignored the international boycott campaigns against the occupation and its racist practices especially after the relocation of the US embassy to Jerusalem.

The Mufti also slammed the visit as “shameful and unacceptable” and “contradicting the official and popular Indonesian position that support the Palestinian people and their just cause.”

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