Fri 20-September-2024

Sheikh Salah: Al-Aqsa is not subject to negotiation

Saturday 28-January-2017

Head of the northern branch of the Palestinian Islamic Movement within the Green Line Sheikh Raed Salah stressed in an exclusive interview with the PIC that al-Aqsa Mosque is a pure Islamic property and would never be an issue for negotiation.

Sheikh Salah pointed out that his latest arrest came as part of the Israeli religious political and racist war against Palestinians.

“During my detention I was held in a solitary confinement denied of any contact with the external world” he said accusing Israeli prison guards of mistreating him in custody.

Things went quiet during the first five months of the detention; however Israeli Prison service (IPS) started new investigations once the release date approached he continued.

He said that the IPS filed two false charges against him. The first was his affiliation to a banned organization and the second incitement.

The charges were baseless and came as part of the Israeli religious political and racist war against Palestinians according to his statements.

“I was subjected to tough investigation in Salem military camp only five days before my release” he pointed out.

“During the investigation they were asking me about al-Aqsa and Jerusalem.”

Al-Aqsa Mosque is a pure Islamic property and would never be an issue for negotiation or concessions he told them.

He told the PIC reporter that he was threatened by Israeli investigators before his release.

“They warned me of any attempt to join any group or to form any organization whatever was its name or aim” he underlined.

He clarified that Israeli threats have continued even after his release.

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