Sat 6-July-2024

Sit-in protest against Gaza siege

Sunday 9-April-2017

Scores of Palestinian activists on Sunday participated in a protest sit-in organized by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) before UNESCO headquarters in Gaza on the World Health Day.

The NGOs’ health sector official Suleiman Shahin said in the event that the continuation of the siege on Gaza denied sick people the right of treatment. Israeli authorities ban many of them from traveling abroad for treatment purposes he highlighted.

Other offensive practices include arresting and questioning the sick people while leaving the Gaza Strip he added.

Anadolu news agency quoted Shahin as saying that the siege which has been imposed since 2006 led to high rates of poverty and unemployment as well as food shortage and deterioration of humanitarian and health conditions.

Shahin called on the international community to shoulder responsibility for the contribution in lifting the Gaza siege and ending the Israeli occupation in addition to helping Palestinians guarantee their right of health and treatment.

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