Thu 24-October-2024

Solidarity events with Gaza in Tunisia Nigeria

Saturday 11-March-2017

The global campaign to break the siege on Gaza organized a sit-in in the Tunisian city of Jedlian in solidarity with Palestinian children in the besieged Gaza Strip and in protest at Gaza siege in light of the deterioration of humanitarian conditions.

The solidarity sit-in was attended by dozens of Tunisian children who expressed their refusal of the continuation of the Israeli blockade which has been imposed on the coastal enclave for ten years in a row. The Tunisian participants condemned the international silence towards the suffering of the children in Gaza.

The campaign executive official Abdul Kareem al-Waslati underlined that supporting Palestine and the Palestinian people as well as defending their steadfastness and defending the Aqsa Mosque are duties on Muslims and Arabs.

In a similar context the campaign team in Nigeria gathered dozens of signatures on the international electronic petition calling for lifting the siege on Gaza.

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